Trufanova E.O.


The paper proves that among modern technologies, dig-ital technologies have the strongest impact on society, leading to the transformation of social relations. In particular, digital technologies create new opportunities for techno-escapism (escapism with the use of digital technologies). It is shown that technologies are not the cause of escapism, but only a way to implement it, since for any technology, not only the development of technology itself is important, but also the choice of a person regarding how it will be applied. At the same time, technologies bring changes to social life, for which people and society are not prepared, and therefore they often try to abandon them by re-jecting the technologies that provoked their development. This process, radically expressed in technophobia and neo-Luddism, is proposed to be considered as escapism from technology. Digital technologies create a situation of communicative overload, which negatively affects the individual and his private life. As a result, such a radical form of escap-ism as digital asceticism is becoming widespread, i.e. restriction or complete rejection of the use of digital technologies. It is shown that digital asceticism is not a productive solution to the social crisis caused by technological changes, and it is necessary to look for other ways to implement successful human interaction with the digital environment, without abandoning new technologies, but with the development of more adequate social mechanisms for their application. This development should be carried out with the help of the discipline “technology assessment”, which was developed within the framework of the Rus-sian philosophy of science and technology by V.G. Gorokhov.


techno-escapism; digital technologies; technology as-sessment; digital asceticism; technophobia.

DOI: 10.31249/scis/2023.04.01

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