The article is devoted to the problem of applying the methodology of socio-environmental monitoring to assess the state of technical environment facilities in various regions. Its importance lies in the fact that the technical environment created as a result of anthropogenic activity carries manmade and environmental hazards, which increases the need for an objective assessment of its indicators. The purpose of this research is to study the peculiarities of the opinion of the population, as well as expert opinion regarding the influence of the technical environment on the state of the ecological and socio-cultural environments in the subjects of the Central Federal District of Russia (CFD). The main research method is the method of empirical verification based on a representative empirical study «Socio-ecological monitoring of the technical environment of the region: a socio-cultural approach» (May 2021 – September 2022), which includes a mass survey by means of a questionnaire among the population of the CFD regions over 18 years old, as well as an expert survey by means of a semi-formalized interview of persons belonging to regional government structures, state and municipal employees, representatives of the scien-tific community, entrepreneurs, members of public organizations and movements. The collection, generalization and critical analysis of sociological including expert information on the problem of technological and environmental risks of the subjects of the CFD were carried out. In this study technological and environmental risks of vari-ous subjects of the CFD were identified through socio-environmental monitoring; the state of the technical environment of various subjects of the CFD was diagnosed and their comparative analysis was carried out; the comfort of living of residents of various subjects of the CFD from the point of view of the development of the technical environment and technosphere objects was determined, and the degree of anxiety of the population of various subjects of the CFD by the current environmental situation was assessed in the aspect of the development of the technical environment. In conclusion, the authors of the scientific material summarize, saying that in the realities of modern socio-cultural development, there is a need to assess the state of the human habitat in the natural, man-made, informational, socio-cultural spheres, and conducting socio-environmental monitoring and expertise of the safety of the technical environment are the most important elements of assessing the dangers of technological processes and natural systems – the safety of a man’s life in the technosphere.
socio-ecological monitoring; methodology; technical environment; biosphere; sociosphere; technosphere; anthropo-socio-technosphere; anthropogenic impact; environmental situation; Central Federal District of Russia (CFD).